Uganda to start sending workers to Europe, Canada

The government, represented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, aims to broaden employment opportunities for Ugandans by extending the reach of the labor export market through the establishment of mutually beneficial labor agreements with various countries.

These agreements have been or are being signed with nations such as Oman, Somalia, Lebanon, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Mr. Lawrence Egulu, the commissioner overseeing employment services at the ministry, highlighted the recent signing of a bilateral labor agreement between Uganda and Qatar by Minister of Gender, Ms. Betty Amongi. This agreement prioritizes skilled workers, including drivers, security personnel, teachers, plumbers, architects, among others, over semi-skilled or unskilled laborers.

Data from the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development shows that between 2016 and 2023, a significant number of Ugandan migrant workers, predominantly females, ventured to 11 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and others, for various job opportunities.

Despite challenges, including reported mistreatment and deaths, efforts to mitigate such issues have been made. These include the implementation of the External Employment Management System to monitor Ugandan migrant workers abroad and plans to introduce a mobile app to facilitate the reporting of challenges faced by workers abroad. This app is intended to provide immediate assistance by alerting relevant authorities in case of distress.

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