Suspected Penis Found in City Restaurant Food

Kampala, Uganda – In a disturbing incident that has left the local community in shock, police are investigating a case where food allegedly containing human remains was served to a customer at a food stall along Buganda Road. The case, filed under incident report CPS Kampala GEF 34/2024, has sparked widespread concern and calls for stringent food safety regulations.

On the afternoon of March 28, 2023, Ronald Bwemage, a patron of a food stall operated by Mariam Namugerwa, claims to have discovered what appeared to be part of a human penis in a meal prepared by Namugerwa and served by Josephine Nakawojja. The meal, a mix of rice, matooke and meat, was purchased from Namugerwa's stall located in the corridor of E' Tower.

Bwemage reported the incident to the police after his concerns were allegedly dismissed by the food vendors. The Kampala Metropolitan Police swiftly initiated an investigation, securing the suspicious food sample for forensic analysis. Deputy OC CID, D/IP Kateega Francis, alongside a team of Scene of Crime Officers (SOCOs) and other police personnel, visited the scene and conducted searches at the residences of the suspects, although no material evidence was found during the searches.

The suspects, Mariam Namugerwa and Josephine Nakawojja, have been arrested and interviewed by the police as part of the ongoing investigation. The food sample in question has been sent to a pathologist for thorough examination to ascertain the nature of the suspected human remains.

The Kampala Metropolitan Police have assured the public that they are taking the matter seriously and are awaiting the results from the pathologist and other experts. The findings will determine the next steps in the investigation and any potential legal actions against the suspects.

This incident has raised serious concerns about food safety standards and regulatory oversight in the city's informal food sector. The community anxiously awaits further updates from the authorities, hoping for swift justice and measures to prevent such alarming incidents in the future.

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