Elite High School Prom Extravagance Shocks Nation


A high school prom party at Elite High School over the weekend has drawn widespread attention and criticism. The event, attended by Senior Four and Senior Six candidates, saw students arriving in hired helicopters and luxury cars, reminiscent of Hollywood red carpet events.

The extravagant affair has left many, including State Minister for Higher Education, Mr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, dismayed. Minister Muyingo expressed disbelief at the lavish lifestyle showcased by students in a country where many struggle to afford basic necessities. He emphasized the importance of instilling values of prudence and responsibility in students, rather than promoting extravagance.

"Are those things happening in Uganda? Where are we going? I have never thought of hiring a chopper. Money is a scarce resource. It shouldn't just be given out and spent just like that even if their parents have money. What message are they sending to the children? That is horrible," Mr Muyingo wondered.

Efforts to obtain comments from the school administration proved futile, as calls remained unanswered. However, it was revealed that the event was meticulously organized by a committee of students in collaboration with the school administration.

A close source privy to the activities of the day, last evening told this publication of how the event was organised.

"The students who participated in the prom party for Senior Four and Senior Six candidates who were about 400 in number. All these students come from families with the same status and background," the source said. The source added: “The students with the help of the administration selected an organising committee which listed the details, updated and reported to the administration"

Details emerged of the exorbitant expenses incurred, including $1,200 for the hired helicopter and substantial sums for luxury car rentals. Students reportedly spared no expense, with one student boasting of spending millions on a six-hour rental of a V8 2022 model.

The spectacle has raised concerns not only about the display of wealth but also about the implications for moral and ethical development among students. Mr. Ismail Mulindwa, the director for Basic and Secondary Education in the Education ministry, condemned the event, stating that it sets a wrong precedent and may lead to immoral behavior among students.

In response to the controversy, the government has pledged to investigate the matter and establish guidelines to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Concerns have been raised about the influence of such events on young minds and the need to prioritize values of modesty and responsibility in education.

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