Nandutu begs for Museveni’s forgiveness

The former Minister of State for Karamoja Affairs Agnes Nandutu, has expressed her desire for President Museveni to pardon any mistakes she may have made during her time in office. Although she was removed from the Cabinet, Nandutu has affirmed her steadfast support for the NRM Party.

"I sincerely request forgiveness from the President for any mistakes I have made. While I will be transitioning from the front bench to the back bench, my dedication to serving this government remains firm. As the Woman MP for Bududa, I will continue to serve the NRM Party and stand by our President," she stated.

She further expressed her appreciation to the President for giving her the opportunity to serve at the highest level of government as a Cabinet Minister.

"I am deeply grateful to the President for the opportunity he gave me to serve as a Cabinet Minister. While many may have questioned my abilities, President Museveni saw my potential and appointed me as one of the top 100 influential individuals in this country. I have devoted myself to serving our nation to the best of my abilities," she acknowledged.

All this comes in a period where there are ongoing legal case against Nandutu, who is accused of corruption related to the alleged misappropriation of iron sheets meant for vulnerable communities in the Karamoja.

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