KATANGA MURDER: Jailed Daughter Ponders Suicide in Luzira Coolers


Patricia Kakwanza Katanga (in white)/ Photo by New Vision

Informed insiders report that Patricia Kakwanza Katanga, daughter of the late Henry Katanga, currently in Luzira, is grappling with overwhelming distress and contemplating taking her own life. The tragic demise of her father under gruesome circumstances on November 2nd at their Mbuya residence, coupled with her mother's unconscious state at IHK Hospital since that fateful day, has left Patricia profoundly traumatized.

Adding to her distress, Patricia recently discovered that Henry Katanga was not her biological father. Instead, her biological father was Lieutenant James Katanga of the early NRM, who passed away under mysterious circumstances shortly after marrying Molly Bananukye. Henry Katanga, at the insistence of his mother, married Molly, who was pregnant with Patricia at the time, to ensure the family's continuity. Patricia had been unaware of these facts since her birth in 1991.

The shocking revelations occurred shortly after the tragic events of November 2nd, which transformed their Mbuya residence into a crime scene under police investigation. Patricia, at 35 years old, not only copes with the loss of the man she believed to be her father but also grapples with the fact that he passed away just a month after her wedding festivities and Kuhingira in Kiruhura.

Complicating matters, Patricia's mother remains unconscious, her sister Martha, who recently gave birth, faces imminent legal troubles, and the entire family is in disarray. Patricia's dream of occupying the luxurious apartment her mother gifted her as a wedding present is now uncertain.

The absence of widespread support from friends and family further exacerbates Patricia's distress. With her mother's reputation tarnished by media coverage and accusations following Henry Katanga's death, Patricia fears the potential collapse of her mother's business empire, built over the years as a major defense Ministry contractor.

Feeling abandoned and facing an uncertain future, Patricia has reportedly expressed thoughts of suicide. It is imperative for prison authorities, where she is currently remanded, to take necessary steps to prevent this tragic outcome. This account is compiled from interactions with various sources, including friends and relatives who have visited Patricia during her remand.

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