Shocking Incident in Namisindwa District: Man Caught Red-Handed Mounting Neighbour's Hen

Residents of Bubutu Trading Centre Cell, Bubutu Ward, Bubutu Town Council in Namisindwa District were left in disbelief and anger as a 26-year-old man, Kelly Mwagusi, was caught red-handed mounting a neighbour's hen.

The incident, which unfolded on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, sent shockwaves through the community, with many expressing outrage at the disturbing act. Kelly Mwagusi narrowly escaped a lynching as enraged residents responded with pangas, sticks, and stones upon discovering him in the act.

According to Sam Mungawu, the Bubutu Town Council youth chairperson and a neighbour to the scene, the shocking event took place in the early hours of the morning. Mungawu recounted how Sylvia, the owner of the hen, raised an alarm upon discovering Mwagusi in the chicken farmhouse, engaged in the disturbing act of bestiality.

"Sylvia heard noise from her farm birds and went to check, only to find Mwagusi undressed and sexually abusing the hen," Mungawu stated.

The commotion attracted other neighbours, who swiftly gathered with the intent to deliver mob justice to the perpetrator. It was Fred Masika, the LCI chairperson of Bubutu Trading Centre Cell, who intervened just in time, saving Mwagusi from the enraged crowd. Masika managed to take the suspect to the Bubutu Police Post amidst the uproar.

Speaking to our reporter, Sylvia expressed her shock and disgust at the scene she stumbled upon in her chicken farm. "I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a horrifying sight," she said.

Confirming the incident, Fred Masika reiterated that he intervened to prevent a lynching, but Mwagusi was not spared from a beating by furious locals before being handed over to the authorities.

In the wake of this disturbing event, Emma Bwayo, the Namisindwa District youth male councillor, pointed to drug abuse and alcoholism as contributing factors. He called on the government to regulate the sale of energy drinks, which he believes are influencing youths to engage in such appalling acts.

The community of Bubutu Trading Centre Cell remains shaken by the incident, with many calling for justice to be served and measures taken to prevent such occurrences in the future. The case is now in the hands of the authorities as investigations continue. Residents hope for swift and decisive action to address this disturbing incident that has left a scar on their small community.

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