Parliament Expenditure to be cut Upto 50% by Gov't

Parliament has seen its budget slashed by half, reflecting a broader trend of austerity measures affecting various governmental institutions. This significant reduction, implemented by the Ministry of Finance, has sparked controversy and raised questions about the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches.

Other governmental bodies faced significant reductions in their budgets as well.

For instance, the Judiciary opted not to submit its budget for today's parliamentary session upon discovering that the Ministry of Finance's Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury (PSST) Ramadhan Ggoobi had imposed stringent budget limits considerably lower than their initial estimates.

Various lawmakers expressed concerns over this budget cut, urging restraint on the part of the PSST to avoid similar reductions for the Parliamentary Commission.

In a recent television appearance, Hon Sarah Opendi highlighted statements made by Ggoobi, indicating a belief that Parliament lacks the authority to adjust budget allocations, citing budgeting as an exclusive executive function.

This development occurs amid heightened public scrutiny of Parliament, fueled by social media campaigns alleging corruption and financial mismanagement under Speaker Anitah Among's leadership.

Concerns regarding Parliament's expenditure, including allocations for international travel, staffing, and potential misuse of funds, have been raised alongside questions about the government's motive behind halving Parliament's budget.

In response to criticisms, Ggoobi defended the budget cuts as necessary measures to align with government directives on fiscal responsibility, citing instances where Parliament seemingly disregarded such guidelines.

Speaker Among and several MPs expressed indignation over the budget reductions, labeling them as disrespectful and undermining Parliament's authority.

The Ministry of Finance's decision and Ggoobi's statements regarding Parliament's budgetary powers have sparked debates within the legislative body, with some members questioning the Secretary to Treasury's authority to make such assertions.

Despite assurances from Minister Henry Musasizi that appropriation powers rest with Parliament, doubts persist regarding the Ministry of Finance's stance on parliamentary budgetary authority.

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