"Parental negligence has left children to grow without clear characters", Janet Kataaha Museveni


Ugandan First Lady, Janet Kataaha Museveni has criticized parents for not offering ample time to teach and guide their children.

She says parental negligence has left children to grow without clear characters.

Janet Museveni, also Education Minister says some parents spend more time-consuming harmful content on the internet and social media other than parenting.

She was on Friday speaking to selected Secondary School Headteachers from Acholi Sub-region during a technical consultative meeting on life skills for young children held at the Gulu State Lodge in Fourth Infantry Division headquarters.

Mrs. Museveni says while it took the village in the past to raise children, the trend has changed in recent years. She suggested that parents should take up the responsibility of guiding their children so that they become better people in the future.

She notes that while parents and other stakeholders play their roles, there is also a need for teachers in schools to be taken through guidance training.

“Even the teachers we look to educate our children, they themselves may not know other than using the curriculum and the books they have, they may not know what to do to mold these children who are put in their care. Those teachers need guidance,” She says.

The first lady pledged that her Ministry will continue to advocate for life skilling and consistent guidance of young learners in schools to promote a generation with character in future.

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